Saturday, March 12, 2011


anyone heard of the new carbon tax?

well this is a video mainly of Penny Wong (I think) saying she doesn't think the carbon tax is the best thing and it also has Julia Gillard saying that there would be no carbon tax while she was in government.
aaaand I'm going to bed.  cause I am fully dropping of my chair :)
hope everyone has an AMAZING weekend!!!
love Rachael 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I feel smart!!

maybe I should have known this but I only got it figured it out today. soo... *takes deep breath*

Paul Green isn't standing for the senate at all. he's standing for the legislative counsil and Bethany Camac isn't standing as his local representative thingy she's standing as a local candidate for the legislative assembly!!!

what all that means is, the legislative assembly proposes the bills and the legislative counsil passes or rejects the bill. 

AREN'T I CLEVER??? :D   ok so I'm not really but that's pretty cool right???

so here's a bit about Beth and umm..... just forget about what I said about the picture.  I hate my computer sometime.

A few policies:
If elected, Bethany will fight to:- 
1) Support the interests of small business and industry.
2) Tackle the challenge of youth unemployment.
3) Resist damming or diversion of the Clarence River.
4) Fast-track the building of a second bridge over the Clarence River.
5) Get a full-time community legal centre in Grafton.

basic bio:
"Bethany was born and raised in the Northern Rivers before moving to Sydney for further studies and work. She returned to “home turf” in 2005, and since 2009 has been Human Resources Manager for one of the Clarence Valley’s largest employers. Every day, she experiences the issues facing local businesses and primary industry in this region.

As a founding member of the recently formed Grafton Branch of the CDP, Bethany believes that integrity in politics is something that is still possible and must be pursued."


short one tonight.  hope it wasn't too boring :P   Hopefully after the election I will be writing about national politics more again. 

hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. 

Love Rachael :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


ok so I really should be doing homework but I just looked at this blog for the first time and they posted about my blog (!!!!!!!)  and its things like that and friends that say really encouraging things to me, that keep me wanting to go to uni to study political science and journalism so I can become a politician (and have political journalism to fall back on if I want to) and stand up for Christ.  And hopefully become known as one of the few politicians that actually keep their promises.

So I'm going to do a real quick post about my favorite topic of conversation right now.  THE STATE ELECTION!!!!   this is a really importnat election for the Christian Democratic party because (basically) if this guy called Paul Green doesn't get elected to the senate.  the Greens will hold the balance of power in the senate.  does everybody know what that means? good, I didn't think so.  (my apologies to all those other homeschooling, politics-loving weird people out there)  it means that in Australia - the Land of the Holy Spirit - gay marriage will be legalized.  abortion will be legalized (in the states where it isn't already)  euthanasia will be legalized.  this party is NOT all about the environment.  they are communist.  there's a text in the Bible that says, KJV "righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is the reproach of any people"   Labor already owe the Greens for giving Labor their Preferences at the last election. 

aaand I need to stop typing cause my mum's home from a farmers meeting with our candidate. 

Candidate:  there's this really amazing woman called Bethany Camac who is standing as the local candidate for Clarence.  she needs lots of prayer and if you are in the Clarence electorate she needs your vote (or your family's if your not old enough to vote)  because she belongs to the ONLY party in parliament that upholds Christian values.  so please pray for Bethany, pray for Paul Green that he gets elected, and pray for the Coffs Harbour candidate Debra Lions because she has worked really hard and she's had to push through so many walls and stupid people and lack of support and opposition from Satan BUT SHE'S STILL GOING!!  and next post in which i shall extoll the virtues of Debra Lions more fully I shall have pictures of both candidates and Paul Green :)

in much tiredness. from the heart,

Rachael :)

thank you to anybody who reads my blog.  and I really do mean it.