Saturday, July 16, 2011

carbon tax

"The Australian Government is investing more than $5 billion in developing and commercialising clean energy technologies because we know these technologies will be crucial for Australia’s efforts to reduce its carbon pollution emissions. These technologies will also be important to the rest of the world as they also need to reduce their carbon pollution.  Australia has set a Renewable Energy Target of 20 per cent by 2020. This means that by 2020, one-fifth of Australia’s electricity will come from renewable sources such as wind, solar and geothermal power"

One question Julia,  what happens if there's a cloudy windless spell? 

we have a solar hot water system.  Apart from living in constant fear that me or my brother are going to hit the solar tubes with a tennis ball or something its pretty alright.  but if we get a couple of cloudy/rainy days, or even one; we need to turn the electricity on so we can still have hot showers.  what will happen when massive chunks of the country relies on solar or wind?

did she say one fifth???  we contribute something like 1.4% to the general carbon footprint don't we?  so if we cut down by one fifth.....  (I'm sorry I never was much good at maths) how much does that improve the general environment by?  as my father very truly said, "ten percent of one fifth of stuff all." 

and remember, Julia Gillard is socialist.  i.e. she wants to control people (its like a milder version of communism basically).  A carbon tax helps her to control people.  She wants to buy a new car? ah, no problem mate! just raise the carbon tax a bit higher.

another problem:  all of these grand ideas like using renewable energy, need Government support and Government (taxpayers) money other wise they fall apart.  It has been tried before.  In one article I read, she talked about investing more than $5 billion in developing and commercialising clean energy technologies and two paragraphs down she talk about investing $4.5 billion to help Australia natural resources to create a cleaner energy supply and to reduce our carbon pollution emissions.  how much more of our money is it gonna take???

If she's that worried about the earth blowing up from global warming or overheating from the blanket of carbon or whatever the trendy thing is, why doesn't she just go back the Bible?  Gen 8:22  While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

God has the whole world in his hand.  He created it and he can keep it for as long as he wants it.  no human can overcome God no matter how much carbon emissions they make.

hope everybody has a blessed weekend :)

Love Rachel

P.S  back to school next week! :D 

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